At Trailhead Coaching we are committed to delivering high quality and safe programs that are inclusive and accessible. We actively seek and welcome feedback from:
Feedback includes testimonials, suggestions, complaints and concerns. We value all feedback – positive, constructive and in between. We aim to respond to it in an appropriate, considerate and timely manner.
We provide information about feedback and complaints to Child/Youth participants and their parents/carers at the beginning of programs/sessions. We also seek feedback via email and also for reviews upon program completion.
All reports of child abuse and child safety concerns will be treated seriously, whether they are made by an adult or a child and whether they are about the conduct of an adult or a child. All complaints and child safety concerns will be responded to promptly and thoroughly.
Feedback and concerns information can be found here along with details of who you can speak to if you have a concern.
Your feedback and ideas help us to plan for our future programs and continue to create a learning environment, in which riders feel like they belong and are safe.
We value and encourage testimonials!
Please click here to complete our Feedback, suggestions, complaints & concerns form