Trailhead Coaching is committed to having mountain bike coaching programs that are safe for all children and will not tolerate any kind of abuse or harm.
Trailhead Coaching prioritises the active participation of children, young people and their families in our programs. The focus is on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all ages, genders, abilities and cultural backgrounds.
Trailhead Coaching builds safety and risk management planning into all its programs; the prevention and reporting of abuse is supported and encouraged. All staff, volunteers and contractors are responsible for promoting the safety, wellbeing and empowerment of children. Trailhead Coaching recognises that discrimination can harm children and we treat all children with dignity and respect.
This Code of Conduct sets expectations for how staff, volunteers and contractors at Trailhead Coaching should behave around children. This helps children participate safely in our programs and have fun.
Mountain biking is a physical activity and can at times involve physical risk and be competitive, so having behavioural standards to manage the risks to children is important. This Code of Conduct identifies positive child safe behaviours that we ask staff, volunteers and contractors to demonstrate. It also identifies behaviours that we consider unacceptable and not permitted.
Not following standards of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour is a breach of this Code of Conduct and may result in disciplinary action. Some behaviours on their own may not be a serious breach of the Code of Conduct but together may indicate a concerning pattern of behaviour that poses a risk to the safety of children. Our disciplinary policy provides further information on processes that will be followed if breaches are identified.
All Trailhead Coaching Staff, volunteers and contractors must always follow these standards of behaviour, including when on site at one of our coaching locations, attending a competition or camp, and when engaging with Trailhead Coaching students and their families at any time:
Complaints about a breach of this Code of Conduct must be reported to our Child Safety Persons:
Joanna Wall (Bendigo Manager, CEO), mobile: 0400 871 803 or email [email protected]
Natalya Garden (Castlemaine Manager), email: [email protected] mobile : 0416 225 456
Some breaches of this Code of Conduct may need to be reported to the Victorian Police, or to the Commission for Children and Young People. Our Complaint Handling Policy provides more information about our reporting obligations to external authorities as well as describing protections and confidentiality provisions for anyone making a report. The policy is provided in the employee handbook.
Staff and volunteers who breach our Code of Conduct may also be subject to disciplinary action. This can include increased supervision, appointment to an alternative role, suspension or termination from the organisation. Detailed descriptions of breaches are found in our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy. The information is provided in the employee handbook.
If any person in a position of authority within our organisation becomes aware of a substantial risk that a child may become the victim of a sexual offence committed by an adult associated with the organisation (for example, an employee, contractor or volunteer), and they have the power or responsibility to reduce or remove the risk, then they must take all reasonable steps to do so. A person in authority who negligently fails to take appropriate action to address the risk may be charged with the criminal offence of ‘failing to protect’ and may face a term of imprisonment.
If an adult reasonably believes a sexual offence has been committed by an adult against a child under the age of 16, they must report it to Victoria Police by calling 000 or going to their local police station. Failure to disclose the information may be a criminal offence.
I have read this Code of Conduct and agree to abide by its terms.
Witnessed by
Date: Last reviewed: 23rd June 2023
Next review date: 23rd June 2024
Responsible officer: Joanna Wall (Trailhead Coaching, CEO)
Related Documents
Trailhead Coaching Child/Youth Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Trailhead Coaching Privacy Policy
Trailhead Coaching Terms & Conditions
Trailhead Coaching Complaint Handling Policy
Form – Confidential Record of Child Safe Concern
You must ACT.
As you work with children you play a crucial role in protecting Children. You must follow the four actions set out below when responding to any Child Abuse allegations.
If a Child is at risk of immediate harm, you must ensure their safety by:
Calling 000 for medical and/or police assistance to respond to urgent health or safety concerns
Administering first aid, if required
Separating at-risk Child and others involved
Identifying an appropriate contact person for any on-going liaison with the Police.
If there is no immediate harm, go to Action 2 below.
If you suspect, on reasonable grounds that a Child was, is, or is at risk of being abused and/or neglected, you must:
report it to the police and/or child protection agency. Child Protection after hours phone number is 131 278 (5pm – 9pm Mon to Fri; 24 hrs weekend & public holidays)
Report it internally to your designated Child Safety Person:
You must contact the police and/or the relevant child protection agency to determine the information that may be shared with parents/guardians, and who should lead this contact (i.e., police, child protection department or Child Safety Person).
This could include advice:
Not to contact the parents or guardians in circumstances where they are alleged to have engaged in the abuse.
To contact the parents/guardians and provide agreed information as soon as possible.
Support should be provided to any Child that has experienced abuse.
It is important that the person providing support to the Child does not attempt to provide support which is outside of the scope of their role.
Support should include maintaining a calm open manner when listening to any allegations and disclosures, while avoiding seeking detailed information or asking leading questions.
This information needs to be well documented and shared with designated contact.
Further support for the Child, relevant adults and others involved may be required, including a referral to wellbeing or healthcare professionals and or the development of a safety plan.
Joanna Wall (Bendigo Manager, CEO), email [email protected] or mobile: 0400 871 803
Natalya Garden (Castlemaine Manager), email: [email protected] mobile : 0416 225 456